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The First Addendum to the 64th edition of the IATA issued

By December 30, 2022January 4th, 2023Air Transport, IATA and ICAO

The First Addendum to the 64th edition of the IATA issued

It didn’t take long for IATA to release the first addendum to the 64th edition of the IATA DGR.  Back on December 15th, 2022, IATA posted the first addendum, which includes corrections and revisions to the 2023 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. The addendum will go into effect on January 1st, 2023 and will last until December 31st, 2023.   Below are some details about what this Addendum will include.   

What does this Addendum Include?  

The addendum includes corrections and revisions, which consist of several packing instructions that have been amended. For example, Packing Instruction Y203 for limited quantities of aerosols will be removing the word “metals” referenced below: 

Aerosols and receptacles, small containing gas (gas cartridges) must meet the requirements of 6.4.4. The capacity of metal receptacles must not exceed 1,000 mL; plastic receptacles must not exceed 500 mL. Non-refillable metal aerosols and non-refillable receptacles containing gas (gas cartridges) containing toxic substances must not exceed 120 mL capacity. 


Packing Instruction 970 (Section II) for lithium metal cells or batteries in equipment (UN 3091) will be adding a reference to per below to the instruction: 

Additional Requirements–Section II The equipment must be packed in strong, rigid outer packagings that conform to, and Large equipment can be offered for transport unpackaged or on pallets when the cells or batteries are afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are contained. The equipment containing the cells or batteries must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and must be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental activation.  


In addition, until March 31, 2023, shippers may continue to use UN 1169, extracts, aromatic, liquid, and UN 1197, extracts, flavoring, liquid as shown in the 63rd Edition of these Regulations. In that instance, the Shipper’s Declaration must indicate the UN number, proper shipping name, and packing instruction number in effect in the 63rd Edition of these Regulations. The marks applied to packages, and overpacks, when applicable, must be consistent with the information shown on the Shipper’s Declaration. 

Additionally, this addendum includes new and revised state and operator variations as well as an added UN number (UN 3462) to the definition of 6.1 toxic substances located at

Users of the IATA Digital DGR will find the updated content directly in their DGR. To learn more about the convenience and value in having the Digital Versions of this publication, read our article.

To download the complete addendum from IATA, please use the links below:

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 64th Edition ADDENDUM English
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 64th Edition ADDENDUM French
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 64th Edition ADDENDUM Spanish

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2023 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
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Michael Zendano

Michael Zendano started with ICC Compliance Center back in 2016 with several years in the packaging field as a Quality Control Manager. In addition, he has 8 years experience in teaching. Michael works at the Niagara Falls Office as the Regulatory Packaging Expert where he manages packaging projects and procedures and is a member of the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IOPP) and The Chemical Packaging Committee (CPC) . Degrees: M.S. Science of Education.