IMDGLithium BatteriesRegulatory HelpdeskOcean/Sea TransportFrench Articles Expédition en vertu de la disposition particulière 188 Récemment, l'un de nos fidèles clients s'est renseigné sur l'expédition de batteries au lithium-ion par voie maritime. Il a dit…ICC Regulatory ExpertSeptember 8, 2021
IMDGLithium BatteriesRegulatory HelpdeskOcean/Sea Transport Shipping Under Special Provision 188 Recently we had one of our loyal customers inquire about shipping lithium-ion batteries by ocean. He said they are not…ICC Regulatory ExpertSeptember 8, 2021
SafetyIATA and ICAOLithium BatteriesRegulatory HelpdeskAir TransportFrench Articles Listes de contrôle désuètes Voyez si cela a du sens pour vous. Un envoi a été préparé, consistant d’une batterie au lithium métallique à…ICC Regulatory ExpertAugust 4, 2021
SafetyIATA and ICAOLithium BatteriesRegulatory HelpdeskAir Transport Outdated Checklists See if this makes sense to you. A shipment was prepared that has a lithium metal battery inside a piece…ICC Regulatory ExpertAugust 4, 2021
IATA and ICAOIMDGRegulatory HelpdeskAir TransportOcean/Sea Transport Packing Group Controversy What do you do when your shipment is being rejected because the classification of the product is correct for transport,…ICC Regulatory ExpertJuly 14, 2021
Transportation of Dangerous GoodsIATA and ICAO49 CFRUN PackagingLithium BatteriesAdventures in RepackingRegulatory HelpdeskAir TransportGround (road and rail) Transport Dissecting a UN Box You know how sometimes, when you have filled up a cardboard box with goods, then there is vacant space on…ICC Regulatory ExpertJune 22, 2021
Transportation of Dangerous Goods49 CFRUN PackagingLithium BatteriesAdventures in RepackingRegulatory HelpdeskGround (road and rail) Transport Shipping a Lithium Battery Inside a Drum What to do when the dimensions and net weight of a lithium battery exceed that of any UN-rated fibreboard box…ICC Regulatory ExpertJune 16, 2021
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous GoodsIATA and ICAO49 CFRIMDGLithium BatteriesAir TransportOcean/Sea TransportGround (road and rail) Transport Telephone number on the lithium battery mark In the context of dangerous goods shipments, a telephone number always references the 24-hour number or emergency number. So, it’s…ICC Regulatory ExpertMay 17, 2021
IATA and ICAOUN PackagingRegulatory HelpdeskAir TransportFrench Articles Frustration liée aux suremballages Le Règlement de l’IATA définit un suremballage comme une enceinte utilisée par un seul expéditeur pour contenir un ou plusieurs…ICC Regulatory ExpertApril 26, 2021
Transportation of Dangerous GoodsIATA and ICAO49 CFRIMDGAir TransportOcean/Sea TransportGround (road and rail) Transport Must vs. May / Shall vs. Should Have you ever paid attention to the terms “must, may, shall, or should” when reading through transport regulations? Maybe…Maybe not.…ICC Regulatory ExpertApril 13, 2021