Air TransportIATA and ICAO State and Operator Variations … Is It Worth The Read? We learned about State and Operator variations in the IATA and ICAO training courses, but we tend to overlook this…ICC Regulatory ExpertMarch 12, 2021
IMDGOcean/Sea TransportAir TransportLithium BatteriesIATA and ICAO Cargo Aircraft Only…None For New Zealand from Vancouver, BC! Those of us who ship dangerous goods via air will always try to prepare it for passenger/cargo aircraft (unless it's…ICC Regulatory ExpertFebruary 8, 2021
Adventures in RepackingFrench ArticlesRegulatory Helpdesk49 CFRTransportation of Dangerous Goods Comment ne pas marquer et étiqueter votre colis de marchandises dangereuses Pour ceux d'entre nous qui sont les geeks et les nerds du monde des marchandises dangereuses, nous savons et comprenons…ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 11, 2021
Regulatory HelpdeskAdventures in Repacking49 CFRTransportation of Dangerous Goods How Not to Mark and Label your Dangerous Goods Package For those of us who are the geeks and nerds of the dangerous goods world, we know and understand what…ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 11, 2021
RegulationTransportation of Dangerous GoodsFrench Articles Mise à jour sur les certificats temporaires COVID-19 de Transports Canada Transports Canada a fait le point sur les permis d'utilisation temporaire qui ont été délivrés au début de la pandémie. …ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 5, 2021
RegulationTransportation of Dangerous Goods Update on COVID-19 Temporary Certificates from Transport Canada Transport Canada has provided an update on the Temporary Use Permits that were issued at the start of the pandemic. …ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 5, 2021
Adventures in RepackingRepackingIATA and ICAO Can you ship DG and non-DG Together in One Package? This post was originally published in June 2018 and has been updated in November 2020 for accuracy. Can you ship…ICC Regulatory ExpertNovember 16, 2020
Transportation of Dangerous GoodsTraining COVID-19 Temporary Certificates Extension from Transport Canada Transport Canada has provided an extension for two of the Temporary Use Permits that were set to expire at the…ICC Regulatory ExpertOctober 2, 2020
Adventures in RepackingServicesIATA and ICAO How Do You Ship an Engine? (IATA) This post was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated in September 2020 for accuracy. How should you…ICC Regulatory ExpertSeptember 30, 2020
Transportation of Dangerous GoodsICC & Industry News Renewal Update of COVID-19 Temporary Certificates from Transport Canada Transport Canada has provided an update to the temporary certificates that were issued relating to COVID-19 with most of them…ICC Regulatory ExpertAugust 27, 2020