Regulation Updates California Proposition 65 Warnings – After August 30, 2018 California Proposition 65 Update By now, you may or may not have heard the Prop 65 regulation in California was…ICC Regulatory ExpertJune 6, 2018
WHMIS 2015Regulation UpdatesServices WHMIS 2015 Concentration Ranges – Finally Some SDS ‘Relief’ Health Canada Amendment to the HPR (Hazardous Product Regulations) Health Canada published a proposed amendment to the HPR (Hazardous Product…ICC Regulatory ExpertApril 10, 2018
WHMIS 2015Regulation Updates Health Canada Notice of Intent for Possible Amendments to the HPA and HMIRA The Issues with Exclusions and Confidential Business Information (CBI) Keep Coming Health Canada recently published a proposed amendment to the…ICC Regulatory ExpertNovember 14, 2017
Uncategorized Le SGH en Amérique du Nord et en Europe – Où en sommes-nous? Toutes les personnes utilisent le SGH pour les FDS et étiquettes, n’est-ce pas?? La réponse à cette question est oui,…ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 20, 2017
Regulation UpdatesEuropean REACH/ECHA/CLPWHMIS 2015OSHA HazCom GHS in North America and Europe – Where Are We Now? Isn't everyone using GHS for SDS's and labels? The answer to that is yes, and also no. The European Union…ICC Regulatory ExpertJanuary 20, 2017
WHMIS 2015OSHA HazComUN Recommendations FAQ – GHS Symbols on SDS in Canada and the United States Frequently Asked SDS Symbols Questions How many times have you thought you understood a requirement, only to second guess yourself…ICC Regulatory ExpertDecember 20, 2016
WHMIS 2015Regulations WHMIS 2015 – The Great SDS “Headache” – Concentrations New Concentrations and Concentration Ranges Rules If you’ve begun switching your MSDSs to SDSs under the new WHMIS 2015 regulations,…ICC Regulatory ExpertNovember 29, 2016
OSHA HazComRegulations 7 Health Canada & OSHA FAQs FAQs Arising from My Attendance at the SCHC Conference Last week I had the pleasure of attending a Q&A session…ICC Regulatory ExpertOctober 8, 2014
Uncategorized Online or Mail Order Shopping – A Reminder for Responsible Shopping and Product Safety Most people have seen, at one time or another, ads for new children’s products or household/personal use products on the…ICC Regulatory ExpertSeptember 28, 2011