SafetyTransportation of Dangerous GoodsGround (road and rail) TransportFrench ArticlesCompliance & Training Comprendre les PIU Qu'est-ce qu'un PIU? L'abréviation signifie « plan d'intervention d'urgence ». Cette exigence se trouve dans la partie 7 du Règlement canadien sur…Karrie Ishmael, CDGPJune 8, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous GoodsGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training Understanding ERAPs What is an ERAP? The abbreviation stands for an Emergency Response Assistance Plan. This requirement is found in Part 7…Karrie Ishmael, CDGPJune 8, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous Goods49 CFRGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training PHMSA Quarterly Newsletter In addition to developing and enforcing the regulations for the safe and reliable transportation of dangerous goods, PHMSA publishes a…Michael ZendanoJune 6, 2022
Compliance & TrainingGround (road and rail) TransportAir TransportLithium BatteriesUN Packaging49 CFRIATA and ICAOTransportation of Dangerous GoodsSafety Shipping Lithium Batteries in the United States This is part two of my series on the shipment of lithium batteries by ground in Canada and the United…Elton WoodfineJune 1, 2022
Safety49 CFRGround (road and rail) Transport PHMSA Issues Notice of Enforcement Discretion on Packaging Tape If you ship UN boxes, you know the importance of using the correct tape called out by the closing instructions.…Michael ZendanoMay 30, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous Goods49 CFRRegulatory HelpdeskGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training Reciprocity On a recent helpdesk call, a customer asked me if there was a list of differences between the US 49…Karrie Ishmael, CDGPMay 23, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous GoodsUN PackagingGround (road and rail) TransportFrench ArticlesCompliance & Training Mises à jour de TC normes IBC 2022 Ce blog servira de référence rapide des changements importants qui pourraient vous affecter! En mars 2022, Transports Canada et l'Office…Elton WoodfineMay 18, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous GoodsUN PackagingGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training Transport Canada updates to IBC Standards 2022 This blog will serve as a quick reference of the significant changes that may affect you! This past March 2022,…Elton WoodfineMay 18, 2022
SafetyTransportation of Dangerous Goods49 CFRUN PackagingGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training Shipping Samples for Testing Under most circumstances when you are looking to ship your dangerous goods, you can simply look at your safety data…Michael ZendanoMay 16, 2022
Safety49 CFRGround (road and rail) TransportCompliance & Training PHMSA Increases Penalties for 2022 There are a few things that we can count on: death, taxes, and PHMSA rating their penalties every year. In…Karrie Ishmael, CDGPMay 9, 2022