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Air Cargo Security Program – What You Need to Know

On February 1st, 2021, Transport Canada announced the latest enhancements to their air cargo security program, which was implemented on...

Elton Woodfine

The Devils in the Details – Aerosols

If a product is classified as hazardous for transport, section 14 of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides information on...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

Qu’est-ce qu’une norme de sécurité et laquelle me concerne ?

Bonjour tout le monde ! De retour avec un blog qui nous espérons saura vous informer sur ce qui se...

ICC Regulatory Expert

What is a safety standard and which one applies to me?

Hello, everyone! We’re back with a blog that we hope will keep you updated on what’s happening with the Canadian...

ICC Regulatory Expert

Comment ça fonctionne une intervention d’urgence ?

Bonjour tout le monde ! De retour avec un blog qui nous espérons saura vous informer sur ce qui se...

ICC Regulatory Expert

How does an emergency intervention work?

Hello, everyone! We’re back with a blog that we hope will keep you updated on what’s happening with the Canadian...

ICC Regulatory Expert


Expanding into the Distribution Center World? Be Careful! You Might be Handling Dangerous Goods

The one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has recently passed, and many businesses have had extreme challenges – leading...

Elton Woodfine

ICAO Approves New Covid-19 Recommendations

With another wave of Covid-19 looming last month, The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council approved six new COVID-19 recommendations...

Michael Zendano

Must vs. May / Shall vs. Should

Have you ever paid attention to the terms “must, may, shall, or should” when reading through transport regulations? Maybe…Maybe not....

Durabilité des plaques : quelles sont les exigences?

Comme nous le savons, l’expédition peut causer toutes sortes de dommages si vous utilisez des boîtes en carton ondulé; ainsi,...

Michael Zendano

Placard Durability – What’s Required?

As we know, shipping can cause all sorts of damage if you are using corrugated boxes, which is why UN...

Michael Zendano

Ais-je besoin d’un permis pour expédier mes marchandises dangereuses à partir du port de Montréal ?

Bonjour tous le monde! Ok alors dans le présent blog, je vous parlerai d’un évènement de refus qu’une entreprise a...

French Articles


Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Batteries FAQ

Documentation FAQ

TDG Regulations FAQ

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