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UN rated packaging… for next time?

I had an interesting question from a client last week. He had approached me to ask about helping prepare an...

ICC Regulatory Expert

Get Ready for Safety in Chemistry Class

Summer is still sizzling, but fall is around the corner, and what comes with autumn? That’s right, school. Many students...

Barbara Foster

Expédition en vertu de la disposition particulière 188

Récemment, l’un de nos fidèles clients s’est renseigné sur l’expédition de batteries au lithium-ion par voie maritime. Il a dit...

ICC Regulatory Expert

Shipping Under Special Provision 188

Recently we had one of our loyal customers inquire about shipping lithium-ion batteries by ocean. He said they are not...

ICC Regulatory Expert

L’IATA publie la liste des modifications pour 2022

Alors que la douceur de l’été s’estompe, les petits signes avant-coureurs de l’automne ont commencé à faire leur apparition. La...

Barbara Foster

IATA Publishes List of Changes for 2022

As the sweetness of summer fades, little harbingers of fall have started to make their appearance. Evening draws in a...

Barbara Foster


Dangerous Goods – By Drone?

One day in the future, you may find yourself stranded somewhere along the highway with an empty fuel tank. You...

Barbara Foster

Single Packaging Simplified

This post was originally published in December 2014 and has been updated in May 2021 for accuracy. How to Select...

Barbara Foster

Transport canada met en place un programme de dispositifs de consignation électroniques

L’échéance du 12 juin 2021 pour que tous les véhicules commerciaux soient équipés d’un dispositif de consignation électronique (DCE) approche...

Elton Woodfine

Amendments to the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations

The June 12, 2021 deadline for all commercial vehicles to be fitted with electronic logging devices (ELD) is quickly approaching....

Elton Woodfine

Frustration liée aux suremballages

Le Règlement de l’IATA définit un suremballage comme une enceinte utilisée par un seul expéditeur pour contenir un ou plusieurs...

IATA Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Transportation 4th Edition Guidance

In response to the global pandemic and subsequent rollout of the vaccines to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, IATA deemed it...

Elton Woodfine

French Articles


Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Batteries FAQ

Documentation FAQ

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