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Shipping Single Packaging by Air

Combination vs. Single Packaging  When shipping non-bulk dangerous goods, most shippers use either combination or single packaging. Combination packaging is...

Michael Zendano

Santé Canada étudie l’exclusion des produits de consommation

Vous arrivez peut-être au travail aujourd’hui et découvrez que la porte de votre bureau grince. Une charnière est un peu...

Barbara Foster

Health Canada Studies Consumer Product Exclusion Under WHMIS

So, perhaps you get to work today and discover your office door is creaking. A hinge has gotten a bit...

Barbara Foster

Le RPD sera mis à jour à la septième révision du SGH … qu’est-ce que cela changera exactement?

Bonjour, peut-être le saviez-vous mais Santé Canada ira de l’avant dans le processus d’actualiser notre version de la Loi et...

Pourquoi la classification ne concorde pas avec mon produit ?

Bonjour, alors la question se pose puisque et oui, il existe des cas particuliers qui sortent de l’ordinaire ou des...

Why does the classification not match my product?

The question arises because there are special cases that are out of the ordinary or which don’t follow the basic...


ORM-D Final Days

Come January 1, 2021, the term ORM-D (Other Regulated Material) will finally be a thing of the past. The ORM-D...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

Notice of Enforcement – HM-215

Recently, PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration) issued a Notice of Enforcement Policy regarding international standards. PHMSA is anticipating that...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

5 Advantages of Using Coarse Vermiculite in Shipping

Shipping liquid dangerous goods by air may require additional packaging that is far more restrictive than road and sea. IATA...

Correct Usage of a Dangerous Placard?

This post was originally published in April 2017 and has been updated in October 2020 for accuracy. An Interesting Combination...

ICC Regulatory Expert

COVID-19 Temporary Certificates Extension from Transport Canada

Transport Canada has provided an extension for two of the Temporary Use Permits that were set to expire at the...

ICC Regulatory Expert

How Do You Ship an Engine? (IATA)

This post was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated in September 2020 for accuracy. How should you...

ICC Regulatory Expert

French Articles


Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Batteries FAQ

Documentation FAQ

TDG Regulations FAQ

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