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What Are Cushioning Distances?

As many dangerous goods shippers know, there are many benefits to using 4GV UN packaging. A while back, I wrote...

Michael Zendano

Les désinfectants peuvent-ils être dangereux?

Les désinfectants jouent sans aucun doute un rôle important dans notre lutte contre le COVID-19, mais trop de bonnes choses...

Elton Woodfine

Can Disinfectants be Hazardous?

Disinfectants are undoubtedly playing a large role in our fight against COVID-19, but can too much of a good thing...

Elton Woodfine

L’accident dans le Pacifique montre l’importance de déclarer les marchandises dangereuses

L’importance de déclarer les marchandises dangereuses est une chose qui est gravée dans nos esprits.  Il existe de nombreuses raisons...

Michael Zendano

Accident in the Pacific Shows the Importance of Declaring Dangerous Goods

The importance to declare dangerous goods is something that is etched in our minds.  There are many reasons why properly...

Michael Zendano

Addendum pour la 62e édition du RMD de l’IATA

Nous sommes maintenant en 2021 et il y a une nouvelle édition du RMD de l’IATA, soit la 62ième ainsi...

Elton Woodfine


Health Canada’s New Rules Make Things Easier for Hand Sanitizer Providers

With the onslaught of COVID-19, a warrior has come to the forefront in public health protection – the humble hand...

Barbara Foster

US Takes Steps to Ease Hand Sanitizer Shortage

Remember those wonderful days when you could just go into a store and buy hand sanitizer? Does it seem like...

Barbara Foster

Do You Provide an Essential Service?

We all know that “social distancing” is an important part of beating the novel coronavirus and ensuring public safety. To...

Barbara Foster

COVID-19 Transport Canada relief from Training

With the declaration of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic set by WHO, many industries have been affected, in particular the transportation...

Elton Woodfine

Lessons Learned From Influenza

How serious IS the Coronavirus, and what lessons can we take from our history? From Italian soccer games being postponed,...

Elton Woodfine

New Changes to the TDGR Formatting

Here is an important overview of the changes to the TDGR published recently in the Gazette.  Since 2002 the TDGR...

Elton Woodfine

French Articles


Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Batteries FAQ

Documentation FAQ

TDG Regulations FAQ

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