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OSHA Issues New Guidance for Reporting COVID-19
If there is one thing we have learned during this whole COVID-19 pandemic, it is that every day there are...
Why is the shipping document such a common problem?
Let’s start by saying that Transport Canada (TC) remains the authority responsible for carrying out inspections, audits, and has the...
Pourquoi le document d’expédition représente un problème si courant?
Commençons par dire que Transports Canada (TC) demeure l’autorité qui détient la responsabilité de faire des inspections, vérifications et possède...
OSHA’s COVID-19 Workplace Safety Posters
In the midst of COVID-19 we are all learning a different way to work, live, and function. In my home...
What is a Proper Shipping Name?
Someone recently asked me what I love about my job as a Hazardous Materials Trainer and Regulatory Specialist at ICC....
Transport Canada Moves to Update ERAP Requirements
TDG Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAP) Update On June 30, 2018, Transport Canada issued a proposed amendment to Part 7...
EPA e-Manifests Open to Waste Generators
Are You Ready for e-Manifests? Paperwork – it’s one of the worst parts of dealing with hazardous waste shipments. In...
Detained Battery Shipment – Fixed!
What Happens When Watt-Hour is not Marked on Each Battery? Well a few things – beginning with the shipment being...
New ASTM Standard for IBCs
ASTM IBC Standards Recently I wrote a blog about our boxes meeting ASTM standards. For those that weren’t aware, I...
Regulatory Helpdesk: June 4
Variation packaging cushioning material, excepted quantity packaging, UN packaging testing, distributor deadlines for WHMIS 2015, Mexico GHS, and compatibility Welcome...
No Placards, No CDL Endorsement – USA Only
Hazmat Certification Under Placarding Exemption The US DOT recently issued a “Letter of Interpretation” (LoI) regarding the lack of a...
Popular Topics
Regulatory Helpdesk: April 23
Using absorbents with variation packaging, UN marking height, limited quantity, and de minimis quantities Welcome back to the Regulatory Helpdesk where...
Regulatory Helpdesk: April 16
WHMIS 2015 concentration ranges, training, overpacks, segregation and non-DG in DG packaging Welcome back to the Regulatory Helpdesk where we...
National Day of Mourning to Commemorate Canadian Workers
National Day of Mourning is April 28th On a winter’s day in February, 1891, my great-grandfather was working in a...
Change Notice: BX-19SP
Dear Valued Customer, In an effort to continuously improve the quality and performance of our UN packaging, we occasionally must...
Passengers Traveling with Lithium Batteries
Thinking About Lithium Batteries as a Passenger Recently in my travels, I found myself stuck in a long security line...
Change Notice: BX-32 & BX-79
Dear Valued Customer, In an effort to continuously improve the quality and performance of our UN packaging, we occasionally must...
French Articles
Safety Data Sheet FAQ
DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms
DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...
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For over 35 years, ICC Compliance Center has been providing customers with high quality regulatory products, services, and training for customers storing or transporting dangerous goods. Please feel free to browse through our catalogues to learn more about how we can empower your team with the right tools and knowledge to safely handle dangerous goods.
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