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May is National Electrical Safety Month

By May 11, 2018January 1st, 2025Safety

National Electrical Code infographic

Here are three new acronyms for you to keep in mind during the month of May. There is NEC which is for the National Electric Code.  Next is ESFI an acronym representing the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI). Finally, there is NESM used for National Electrical Safety Month which just so happens to be in May.  Now that we know what they stand for, let’s talk about what they do or mean.

The NEC is a standard used for safely installing wiring and equipment. Many people know it as NFPA 70 – a part of the National Fire Protection Association. While not a legally binding standard it is used by many to set safe practices for those using or working with electricity. The NEC is updated every 3 years and is usually adopted by a state or city.

ESFI is a foundation that was created in 1994 to promote electrical safety in all areas of life including the home and workplace.  They work with corporations and the public to prevent electrical fires and injuries.  This is done by providing educational tools, materials and resources.  They have information on general electrical safety, electric shock drowning and overhead power lines.

Check out their website at
There is even a kid’s page at

National Electrical Safety Month – NESM is observed every year in May. This year’s theme is “Understanding the Code that Keeps Us Safe”.  By understanding the NEC and how to use electricity in a safe way, we can keep people safe. The infographic below provides some great facts and figures about electricity and why the code is so important.

National Electrical Code Infographic Screenshot

View the large graphic (PDF) here.

At a workplace level, allow ICC to help you by developing any posters or signs you may need. We offer various wall posters that cover the new OSHA HazCom 2012 and WHMIS 2015 pictograms as well as general information about both of those. We have the ability to create labels for warehouses, machine warnings and recycling. ICC also has the capability to create various danger, warning, PPE and safety signs for use at your facility. We even have a line of pipeline signs and hardhat decals. Call us today to help with your site’s safety.