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Mobile phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes annually, according to the National Safety Council. But it’s not just cell phone use that distracts drivers from the road – setting a GPS, adjusting instrument controls, eating, drinking, and even smoking are all dangerous activities that can lead to crashes. 

Society leads us to believe that multitasking is an achievement, but when it comes to driving, it poses quite the hazard. 

Here are some tips from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Tip 1: Do not let objects outside of your truck/vehicle distract you

Tip 2: Do not text while driving

Tip 3: Do not use a dispatching device while driving

Tip 4: Do not dial a handheld phone while driving

Tip 5: Do not read, write, or use paper maps while driving

Tip 6: Avoid eating and drinking while driving

While many of us are on the road for personal driving, millions of drivers on the road are for work. Sales personnel driving cars to truck drivers hauling heavy loads across the country. As an employer, or even an employee, develop a company policy on distracted driving and to increase awareness of the risks. It’s everyone’s job to help keep us all safe on the roads. 

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