The UN Number Reads: 1H2/Y1.5/30
This was the plastic drum used for shipping UN1760, PG II product.
I received a call from one of our clients to assist them with a rejected shipment. They are air certified but they don’t ship via air that often; hence, why they had some issues and needed our expertise. For the folks that ship air regularly, we all know that if you don’t cross your “t” and dot your “i” it won’t go and it can be frustrating for those shipping via air infrequently.
1H2 or 1H1?
The shipment consisted of 2 plastic pails which was dropped to our location by the carrier as directed by our client. First thing I look for is if the pails are UN standardized and yes, they were. Based on the quantity limit per package, it had to go cargo aircraft only and must follow packing instruction 855. Looked at PI 855 and sure enough a “1H2” is not permitted to be used as a single packaging. Our client mainly ships ground and this pail is acceptable for ground shipping but since it’s going via air and it’s PG II, it must be a closed head drum, a 1H1.
Yes, it’s very frustrating. Called our client back and advised him it can’t go the way it’s currently packaged. Must be transferred into a 1H1 or another closed head single packaging. He said okay and he will arrange to get it picked up from our office, transfer the products into acceptable packaging (we don’t transfer), return the pails back to us and then I’ll do my thing.
And that’s exactly what happened. We provided the correct packaging (1H1 drums), it was safely transferred and then we prepared it for air transport. It arrived at the destination a couple of days later.