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Minimum Height of UN Numbers on Packages

New to the regulations this year is a statement regarding the size of text on labels for dangerous goods. Both IATA (Air) and IMDG (Marine) have made changes to reflect the UN Model Regulation that become mandatory as of January 1st, 2014. Read More »

Winter Driving

Some jurisdictions (like Quebec) have made snow tires mandatory. And some in Sweden are calling for mandatory high-spec winter tires for trucks. But if the operator is not driving according to the road conditions, what's the point? ‎Read More »

Addendum for IATA DGR 54th Edition

An addendum has been released for the 54th Edition IATA DGR. Effective January 1, 2013. You can view the addendum...

Rules for Mailing HazMat to Change

Just in time for the holidays… The US Postal Service issued a final rule November 28, 2012 on the marking of...

A Tip in Preparation

With the changing seasons, comes a change in weather that may affect your area with storms and natural disasters. According...

20 Years Ago

Time flies. Can you believe that it has been 20 years since RSPA (now PHMSA) published docket HM-126F regarding training?...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP


DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Battery FAQ

Documentation FAQ

TDG Regulations FAQ

Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ


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