Staying Safe this Fall
As the cooler weather approaches and the days get shorter, we should think about what we should do to stay safe. Below are some suggestions to keep you and your family healthy and safe.
Practice Safe Driving. At this time of year, it is dark or twilight when people go to work and come home. This is also an active time for many animals. People are generally more active as well with the cooler weather. Do not drive after you have been drinking at say a Halloween party.
Furnace readiness. If needed have the heating system and furnace checked or serviced. Be sure nothing is near or close to it. Chimneys and vents should also be cleaned and checked for leaks.
Campfires and Fire Pits. Know if having one is legally allowed in your area. The recommendation is that fires should be at least 25 feet away from any building or structure. To prevent issues with flames or embers, do not burn on windy days. Always have someone tend to the fire and keep children at a safe distance. If necessary, remember to follow the stop, drop, and roll method.
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitors. Both should be checked to ensure that they are working properly. This is also a good time to replace the batteries. A good way to remember is to do this when the time changes in the spring and fall.
Portable Space Heaters. Do not use any that have frayed cords or broken plugs. Keep them at least 3 feet away from furniture and fabric-like drapes. Never use an extension cord. Be sure they are turned off when they are no longer in use.
Stay Healthy. Now is the start of cold and flu season. Always wash your hands with soap and water. If you are sick and have the option to stay home or work from home, do it! It is not very nice to infect your co-workers. Get a flu shot and if you are eligible get a Covid-19 booster. Several pharmacies and drug stores offer these for free. Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Wipe down your phone, computer, and workstation with some antibacterial wipes if you haven’t done so recently.
Winterize Vehicles. If you are in an area that requires snow tires, go ahead, and get them on your vehicle. Have the vehicle’s fluids checked and topped off. This includes perhaps adding a de-icing agent to your washer fluid or replenishing the antifreeze in your radiator. Put an ice scraper back in the trunk.
If any of these ideas could be applied to your job, then do them there too. Perhaps some signs about staying healthy are needed. The change of seasons is also a good time to review training records and company policies. Take some time to look over our website. You might be pleasantly surprised at what we can do for you.
Should you have any questions, contact one of ICC’s Regulatory Experts today!