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All Transport Regulations Updated – Even IMDG

By December 20, 2017January 17th, 2022Regulation Updates, IMDG

IMDG Code Updates

Here we are at the end of 2017 and the best word to summarize it is “change”. Every transport regulation had some sort of change this year. The most recent one is to the IMDG Code. A Corrigenda was published earlier this month that makes some changes to the 38-16 version. Note that this version becomes mandatory for use starting January 1, 2018.

Here are a few of the highlights:

  1. The words “fishmeal” and “seedcake” are now divided into separate words throughout the regulation. You now have “fish meal” and “seed cake” throughout the code.
  2. The words “marking” and “markings” have all been replaced with “mark” or “marks” through the entire code.
  3. Several chapters in the regulation have been renumbered such as the subheadings under 5.1.1, 7.8.6 and 7.8.7.
  4. Packing Instruction P002 has a change to Special Packing Provision PP11 to include 5H1, 5L1 and 5M1 bags.
  5. Special Packing Provision PP40 has been deleted from several UN numbers including 1396 (PG III), 1398 (PG III), 1402 (PG I) and 3132 (PG III) to name a few.
  6. For the new Lithium Battery mark there is now the allowance that it can also be a “suitable contrasting background” rather than just black and white.
  7. The new Class 9 Hazard Label for Lithium Batteries also received some clarification in Chapter in that the number of vertical stripes must be 7 at the top and the bottom must have the symbol and the number 9. Words describing the hazards are not permitted on this label.
  8. In Chapter the height of the proper shipping name now reads as “not less than 65 mm high” when required.
  9. Segregation Code SG72 changed to say “See Tables in” and was added to many UN numbers.
  10. Special Provision 384 that speaks to the new Class 9 Hazard Label was revised to clarify that there is no placard equivalent to this new label. If needed, the normal Class 9 placard should be used.

The Corrigenda is available for free and downloadable on the IMO website for anyone who purchased the 38-16 version. Be sure to download yours today.

By the way, if you aren’t aware of the other transport changes that happened this year, check out our past blogs. For IATA we had multiple blogs on the changes brought in by the 58th edition and we even have a few out there already on the 59th edition that becomes effective on January 1, 2018.  For US ground transportation, numerous ones were published on HM-215N which was finalized back in March. That amendment made some big revisions to 49 CFR and brought it in closer alignment with other international regulations on transport. Starting in July, we published a good many blogs on how Canada’s Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) changed. You can review all of them on our website and use the “categories” menu to narrow your search.

Happy reading! Happy Holidays!

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